1. 這家店開多久了?
Mos5uito is not really a shop, but more about a bunch of kooks sharing the joy of surfing.
We started the Mos5uito Surfing Gallery in August 2020.
2. 這家店名字的由來?
There is a story behind the name of Mos5uito, meaningful and yet meaningless.
It was a day when we were repairing surfboards, you know, like putting all the resins and letting it dry. The fun part was that we found a mosquito inside the dried resins and heard it was quite common from all the other guys shaping and repairing to find insects inside the work.
We are a group of 5 good friends and here you go, Mos5uito.
3. Mos5uito未來十年的規劃為何?
We don’t really have a plan yet, surfing more seems to be the only way out.
4. 你一直都想在衝浪產業工作嗎?還是曾經想過做別的事?
Mos5uito isn’t really about working at all, more like sharing the stokes and good vibes to everyone. The only plan we have seems to be this one – No plan is a good plan.
5. 為什麼想支持Betel Nut?
Betelnut 衝浪蠟是現時用過最好用的蠟,還有他媽的鳳梨味真香。
It is Fucking AWESOME.
6. 這家店最大的成就是什麼?
To share the fun.
7. 你認為台灣衝浪最棒的地方為何?
It has to be Jialeshui, Kenting. With all the perfect endless waves for longboarding, it is really hard to name another one.